Report suspicious emails!
Reporting suspicious emails is as simple as clicking the "Phish Alert Report" button in your KSU email application and confirming your submission in the pop-up panel on the right-hand side of the screen.
Find answers to some common questions below. For details and examples of suspicious emails, check out the Phish Market!
What does the "Phish Alert Report" button look like?
The "Phish Alert Report" button can look slightly different based on whether you're using Outlook on the Web (, the Outlook app on your computer, or Outlook for mobile devices. See the related image to familiarize yourself with the variations.
What happens when I click the "Phish Alert Report"?
When a user clicks the "Phish Alert Report" button, another pop-up on the right-hand side of the screen will confirm your choice to report the email. The email will then be deleted from your inbox and forwarded to the UITS Office of Cybersecurity for investigation.
What if I made a mistake in clicking the "Phish Alert Report" and need to access a reported email?
If a user needs to access a message that has been reported, the message can be found in that user's "Deleted Items" folder until it is emptied-which makes the deletion permanent, similar to any other deleted message. As long as the message is still in the "Deleted Items" folder, it may be moved back to the user's inbox.
What if I'm not sure whether an email is a phishing attempt?
It's always better to err on the side of caution. If you are unable to verify a sender's unusual or suspicious request in-person, by phone, or through a Teams message, you can report that message by clicking the "Phish Alert Report" and confirming your submission on the pop-up panel on the right-hand side of the screen. You can also check the Phish Market site for information about any ongoing, campus-wide alerts.