Audio & Video


At KSU, you have access to a variety of AV (audio and video) equipment and services. Keep reading to learn more!

  • Service
  • AV equipment checkout is free for KSU students, faculty, and staff. Available equipment includes video and still cameras, microphones, tripods, and PA systems.

    • Faculty, staff, and non-Communications students can check out AV equipment for up to 2 days.
    • Communications students can check out AV equipment for up to 4 days.

    Reservations are recommended and can be made online.

  • Classroom Technologies
    Design and installation of AV solutions for event spaces and classrooms including projectors, smartboards, digital signage, and systems control.
  • Content and user management for the enterprise-wide visual communications medium designed to inform students, faculty, staff, and visitors about activities and events at Kennesaw State University.
  • Audio visual support for all manner and size of University events.
  • KSUTV hosts all campus live-video and video-on-demand content of University events.
  • Submit a project proposal to the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing to produce a finished video for you.